Originally delivered on 2/4/2024 8:01 am

SUBJECT: PTSA News - February 4, 2023

February 4, 2024

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Greetings, Booker T. family! 

In celebration of Black History Month, Dallas ISD will feature the rich history, stories, and achievements of African Americans and the Arts nationwide on the district's website. The Dallas ISD Series features three of our very own: Booker T. Principal and alum Garry Williams, Visual Arts Faculty and Artist Jessica Bell, and award-winning singer, songwriter, and alum Erykah Badu. Visit the district website to join in the celebration!


Thank you to all who submitted suggestions for the 2024 All School Musical! Over 80 musicals were suggested by students, parents, and faculty. Needless to say, the All School Musical program is a beloved annual tradition at Booker T., and the PTSA is happy to support it. Stay tuned...the musical and audition dates will be announced this Spring!

I say it repeatedly and with much appreciation: Booker T. families are so generous! THANK YOU to all who participated in the PTSA Online Auction supporting the Class of 2024 Committee and the Student Council's Senior Council. Because of you, they surpassed their fundraiser goal! A big THANK YOU to all our faculty who signed up to support the Senior fundraiser and our members who donated auction items. Great job to our Senior Class Committee and Senior Council! Join us at the next PTSA meeting on February 13 at 6 p.m. in The Commons to hear all about it!

Newsletter Archive | Visit the PTSA Membership Toolkit to access the latest newsletter and archive.

View Entire Newsletter | Click on 'View Entire Message' at the bottom of your email to access all the articles.

Resources | Click on the newsletter images, graphics, and words in blue font for more helpful information.

The BTWHSPVA annual African American Heritage Festival celebrates Black History Month! This year's festival title is "THE BEAT!" The featured show in the MAT is "A Rhyme Deferred," which will include interludes from all conservatories. Student artwork and performances will be held in the Montgomery Arts Theatre on Thursday and Friday, February 22-23, with a free student preview on Wednesday, February 21. Tickets to the show will be available online soon!

The PTSA is seeking the following types of businesses to support the show: 

  • Caterers and bakers to feed the kids and provide concession beverages and sweets
  • Decorators for the MAT lobby

Email our VP of Fundraising, Leah Mora, at btwhspva.fundraising@gmail.com for sponsor and production partner opportunities.


PLAYBILL ADS: Purchase an ad in the Playbill to celebrate your student or promote your business! You can provide a completed ad or the assets, and we'll create one for you. Visit the Membership Toolkit to order an ad today.

  • Full Page Ad $50
  • Half Page Ad $30
  • Quarter Page Ad $15

The deadline to purchase an ad is Friday, February 16. Order your ad today!


REMIND: All conservatory students participating in the African American Heritage Festival should sign up for the main school Remind account by texting @BTWAA24 to 81010. Important information will be shared through this account for students to prepare for the festival, reserve a meal during the show dates, share dietary restrictions and much more.

FEED THE KIDS FORM: The PTSA will provide meals to 'Feed the Kids' (FTK) to all students participating in the festival from February 21-23. All students must complete the form to reserve a meal by February 14. The PTSA will ensure those with dietary restrictions and food allergies have options.

SOPHOMORE PARENTS + STUDENTS aka CLASS OF 2026: This is your chance to support a student led show! Join the committee, volunteer or donate! Proceeds from the concession sales will go to the sophomore class funds, which help create a one-of-a-kind senior year experience. 

JOIN THE COMMITTEE: Sign up to be part of the Class of 2026 PTSA committee, led by Amy Marcuis. As a committee member, you can share ideas and support grade-level fundraisers and socials.

VOLUNTEER: Please sign up to volunteer to feed the kids and sell concessions on show days. Volunteers are needed Wednesday, February 21 - Friday, February 23. Get the details and sign up at http://btwptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/aahf-volunteers.

DONATE: Shop the Amazon Wishlist to donate concessions snacks and beverages. Proceeds from concessions sales support the Sophomore class funds.


Thank you to everyone who supported the PTSA Online Auction, benefitting the Class of 2024. Auction winners will receive an email from the Class of 2024 Committee with instructions on how to claim your item. Contact Rachel Winton with any questions at btwhspvaclass2024@gmail.com.


The next Coffee Talk will be a Lunch Talk with Principal Williams in the MAT lobby on Wednesday, February 7 at 12:30 p.m. A light lunch will be provided. Parents are invited to join their students for lunch following the meeting. Please RSVP by Monday, February 5.


The PTSA has launched a new initiative to help fund student activities at Booker T! Once a month, the PTSA Executive Board will select one student activity to award up to $500 to help fund specific needs. For eligibility, please review the application process and form

The Pegasus Pantry needs your help! Please help restock the shelves by donating microwaveable, non-perishable food. Items can be purchased and shipped through the Amazon Wishlist or dropped off at the school in care of Nurse Wiley.


A successful election is essential to a smooth transition for the PTSA from year to year. All members are invited and encouraged to get involved in this important process. Nominating Committee members are elected from the membership during the general membership meeting in February. Nominations for this committee will come from the floor. 

Are you interested in serving as a PTSA officer? Please fill out the PTSA Officer Interest form by March 1 to be considered by the Nominating Committee. Elections for the 2024-25 PTSA year are held at the general membership meeting in April.

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