Originally delivered on 7/22/2024 8:09 pm

SUBJECT: PTSA News - July 22, 2024

July 22, 2024

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Greetings, Booker T. family!

This past weekend was the Texas PTA's annual training and leadership conference called LAUNCH. Over 2,000 PTA leaders from across the state attended this three-day event, which included meetings, training courses, celebrations, and networking. On Friday, the Texas PTA recognized 72 statewide associations with the prestigious platinum membership award, the Voice for Every Child, for recruiting one member for every child enrolled at Booker T. Our First VP, Rhonda Thompson, and I felt proud and honored to represent our association and walk the main stage to accept the award. Congratulations to our 2023-24 PTSA members who actively supported our students throughout the year! Your membership, volunteer efforts, donations to support our programs, and sponsorships to support our productions made a difference. Thank you to all our members for supporting our mission and being the passionate force behind reaching this milestone.

Seeing the membership, volunteer pledges, and sponsorships numbers increase weekly reaffirms our mission and encourages our efforts. We are excited to support the new school year with our new and returning members!

  • We've now reached the 460+ membership mark! Join or renew today! Reminder for faculty: Teachers and staff can join or renew their PTSA membership at the "Welcome Back to School" faculty lunch on Friday, August 2, 2024, in the MAT lobby from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Please help us reach our faculty membership goal of 100%! The first faculty member to join or renew their membership will win a prize awarded at the luncheon!
  • A new total of 280 hours of volunteer service have been pledged through the Pegasus Promise! Thank you the following Booker T. families for making your pledges:  Thank you to the following Booker T. families for making your pledges: Aguilar, Agyei, Blewett, Caporal, Cook, Elder, Harlow, Lane, Martin, Martin, Masters, Mirek, Moreno, Santiago, Scullion, Tesla, and Walker.
  • We now have 10 sponsors for Booker T.'s legendary productions! We're excited to welcome the Santiago-Gonzalez family as our new co-producer-level sponsors, joining our returning sponsors, the Thompson family. Thank you both for joining forces to support the arts! We're so grateful for your generous support.

Please keep the support coming all year! There's many ways you can make a difference. Sign up to volunteer at Pegasus Pick-up, join us for Parent University, sponsor the all-school productions including the all school musical ON YOUR FEET! Send an email to Leah Mora, VP of Fundraising, to discuss more ways to support. The deadline to sponsor the all school musical is August 9. 

We look forward to seeing everyone at Pegasus Pick Up and Parent University!

Newsletter Archive | Visit the PTSA Membership Toolkit to access the latest newsletter and archive.

View Entire Newsletter | Click on 'View Entire Message' at the bottom of your email to access all the articles.

Resources | Click on the newsletter images, graphics, and words in blue font for more helpful information.

ON YOUR FEET! is the inspiring true story about heart, heritage and two people who believed in their talent — and each other — to become an international sensation: Emilio and Gloria Estefan.Their story will arrive on stage at Booker T. Washington's Montgomery Arts Theatre this September! 

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES - The generous sponsorships from our Booker T. families, alums, community leaders, and business owners support unique school wide opportunities such as the All-School Musical and student-led productions. Please support our scholar artists by becoming a sponsor today. Check out the new sponsorship levels and benefits.The deadline to sponsor ON YOUR FEET! is August 9.

STUDENT ARTWORK CONTEST - All rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors are encouraged to participate in the All-School Musical Artwork contest. Submissions will be accepted on the membership toolkit from July 15 through August 4. The winning artwork will promote the musical on playbills, posters, social media, digital promotion, and merchandise.  

The design should reflect the lives of Emilio and Gloria Estefan, including heritage, hardships, and triumph, with a concentration on the beauty of the colors/costumes, music, dance, and love. The artwork must include the musical title: "ON YOUR FEET! The story of Emilio and Gloria Estefan."  Requests for alternate works or resizing may be needed to accommodate all forms of media. Click here to read more about the submission process and accepted mediums.

SUMMER INTENSIVE -UPDATE! Attention cast! The all school musical summer intensive will be held in the MAT from July 29 - August 9. A schedule has been posted on the remind. For more information, join the following two Reminds by texting 81010 @BTWASM2024 and @BTWOYF2024.

PARENT MEETINGA parent meeting for the all school musical cast and crew will be held on Wednesday, July 31 at 9:30 a.m. right after Pegasus Pick Up.

STUDENT INTEREST - All students interested in participating in the PTSA-sponsored All-School Productions must submit this Student Interest Form. Deadlines to submit this form will be announced for each production. Students interested in participating in the All-School Musical as a instrumentalist or crew member must submit the Student Interest Form.


Pegasus Pick-upwill be held on campus from July 29-31. This event is Booker T.'s registration day. Students and their parent/guardian pick up schedules, pay for lockers and parking spaces, order yearbooks, take yearbook/ID photos and senior headshots, join the PTSA and guilds, and purchase merchandise. Students must be accompanied by a parent/guardian on their assigned grade-level day. 

Flight School is an annual student orientation for new students on campus July 29 from 12 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. This orientation introduces students to campus life, provides academic resources, and social opportunities. Flight school will begin after Pegasus pick-up on July 29. The PTSA will provide lunch for Flight School students from 12-1 p.m. Please RSVP your student's attendance by July 24. Parents are invited to Parent University from 12-1 p.m. Parents do not stay on campus after 1 p.m. Student dismissal is at 4:15 p.m.Students should wear the t-shirt they received at I Am Booker T Day for Flight School. 

Parents/guardians are invited to attend Parent University in the Black Box Theatre during Pegasus Pick-up to gain valuable insight on supporting your student this school year. Please RSVP by July 28 and let us know if there are any questions you would like addressed at Parent University. 

Grade level socials for students will be conducted in the Green Room during Parent University.

For more information, read the Pegasus Pick Up and Fllight School FAQ's and schedule.


Shop the PTSA spirit wear online or at Pegasus Pick Up! All merchandise purchased on Monday, July 29 will be tax-free! Take advantage of the savings! There will be laptop covers, senior yard sales, stickers, spirit wear and more!


Help us earn the Voice for Every Child Platinum Membership Award again this school year! We're recruiting members to equal the total number of students enrolled to be their voice and advocate. Every member counts as we join forces to advocate for every artist! We welcome parents, guardians, grandparents, aunts, uncles, students, alums, faculty, etc! Come one, come all! Join or renew your membership today!



UPDATE: VOLY is now open! Adult volunteers must complete a volunteer application, background check and orientation as required by D.I.S.D. online through VOLY before volunteering on campus. 

There are many ways to contribute to your student's success. Volunteering to support the school activities, shows, and programs is a great way to make a positive impact. All Booker T. families are asked to contribute 4 hours of volunteer service per year. That's a goal of 4,000+ hours! Please help us reach our goal to support the future of our scholar artists by making the Pegasus Promise today.


The results for the senior t-shirt artwork are in! Congratulations to senior visual arts student Victoria Ornelas! Her design received the most votes from senior students. The PTSA will distribute the t-shirts featuring her design during the traditional "Booker T. Senior Welcome Week" held during the first week of school.

Reminder: All updates to help our senior families get a head start on senior year can be found on the PTSA Class of 2025 page! Click here to review the Senior summer checklist on the membership toolkit.


The 2024-25 Reflections program theme is "Accepting Imperfection." Visit the membership toolkit to read more about the program and how students can submit original artwork in dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. Submissions will be accepted in the fall.

  • Monday-Wednesday, July 29- 31: Pegasus Pick-Up
  • Monday, July 29: Flight School
  • Monday-Wednesday, July 29-31: Parent University
  • Monday-Thursday, July 29 - Aug 9: All School Musical Summer Intensive
  • Friday, August 2: (F) Welcome Back to School Teacher and Staff Appreciation Lunch, MAT Lobby, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • Wednesday, July 31: All School Musical Parent Meeting, The MAT, 9:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
  • Sunday, August 4: (AS) Deadline for the Musical Student Artwork Contest
  • Friday, August 9: (AS) Deadline to sponsor the All School Musical
  • Monday, August 12: (AS) First day of school
  • Tuesday, September 3: (AS) PTSA Meeting, The Commons, 6 p.m.

(AS) All School, (D) Dance, (M) Music, (T) Theatre, (VA) Visual Arts, (S) Seniors, (F) Faculty


The contribution of the PTSA's Sustaining Sponsors help cultivate the future of the performing and visual arts and enables the PTSA to provide school-wide productions, programs, resources and event support. Please review the benefits of becoming a sponsor for the 2024-25 school year and make your contribution today! The deadline to sponsor the all school musical is August 9.

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